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LoneWolf Docs


LoneWolf's official docs

LW docs
These docs are based on the Wolfpack manual by Casanova, but with specifics for LoneWolf by Opik. Further enhanced and currently maintained by Amadeus. Hosted at Wolflore.
You can also get them as an eBook here .
In case shardwire should be down, you find a backup copy as of 7.1.2007 here .

Other docs

Xuri's UOX Guide
The most comprehensive guide for all UOX-based emulators. Some 80-90% of it still applies to Wolf-kind emulators.
In case Xuri's site should be down, here is a local copy of the guide.

How do I create a multiUO client with encryption removed ?



   © 2001-2006 by Duke •  email me