Version | Change |
0.55 |
Misc Functions Updated: CreateDFNItem |
0.54 |
Events Added: onPathfindEnd, onEnterEvadeState Item Properties Added: instanceID, totalItemCount, speed, weightMax, maxItems, dexterity, intelligence, ac, tempTimer, ammoID, ammoHue, ammoFX, ammoFXHue, ammoFXRender, maxRange, baseRange, isItemHeld, multi, def, resistCold, resistHeat, resistLight, resistLightning, resistPoison, resistRain, resistSnow, damageCold, damageHeat, damageLight, damageLightning, damagePoison, damageRain, damageSnow Misc Functions Added: GetAccountCount, GetPlayerCount, BASEITEMSERIAL, INVALIDSERIAL, INVALIDID, INVALIDCOLOUR Events Updated: onPacketReceive, onSwing Misc Functions Updated: UseDoor (now UseItem) Character Methods Updated: DoAction Gump Methods Updated: AddGump |
0.53 |
Events Added: onHouseCommand Events Updated: onEntrance, onLeaving, onSpeech File I/O Methods Added: Length, Pos, EOF (previously listed as File I/O properties) File I/O Functions Added: DeleteFile Socket Methods Updated: SysMessage Character Methods Updated: SysMessage, TextMessage Character Properties Added: multi, accountNum, housesOwned, housesCoOwned Multi Methods Added: IsBoat, IsOwner, IsOnOwnerList, IsOnFriendList, IsOnGuestList, AddToFriendList, RemoveFromFriendList, AddToGuestList, RemoveFromGuestList, ClearOwnerList, ClearFriendList, ClearGuestList, ClearBanList, SecureContainer, UnsecureContainer, IsSecureContainer, LockDownItem, ReleaseItem, KillKeys, AddTrashCont, RemoveTrashCont, FirstChar, NextChar, FinishedChars Multi Functions Added: GetMultiCorner, CalcMultiFromSer Multi Properties Added: lockdowns, maxLockdowns, secureContainers, maxSecureContainers, trashContainers, maxTrashContainers, friends, maxFriends, guests, maxGuests, owners, maxOwners, bans, maxBans, vendors, maxVendors, deed, isPublic, buildTimestamp, tradeTimestamp, banX, banY Misc Functions Added: CheckTileFlag, GetClientFeature, GetServerFeature, GetServerSetting, GetMapElevation, IsInBuilding, CheckStaticFlag, DoesStaticBlock, DoesDynamicBlock, DoesMapBlock Item Functions Added: FindRootContainer Item Properties Added: maxItems, totalItemCount Speech Methods Updated TextMessage |
0.52 |
SpawnRegion Functions Added: GetSpawnRegion, GetSpawnRegionCount, IterateOverSpawnRegions SpawnRegion Properties Added: name, regionNum, itemList, npcList, item, npc, maxItems, maxNPCs, itemCount, npcCount, onlyOutside, prefZ, x1, y1, x2, y2, world, minTime, maxTime, call Region Properties Updated: members, mayor, numOrePrefs Socket Functions Updated: Midi (now Music) |
0.51 |
Events Added: onUseBandageMacro Socket Methods Added> OpenGump, GetSByte, GetSWord, GetSDWord Character Methods Updated: TurnToward, DirectionTo, InRange, Gate Item Methods Updated: InRange Multi Methods Updated: IsInMulti, IsMulti, IsOnBanList, IsOnOwnerList, AddToBanList, AddToOwnerList, RemoveFromBanList, RemoveFromOwnerList Socket Methods Updated: OpenURL Race Methods Updated: CanWearArmour, IsValidHairColour, IsValidSkinColour, IsValidBeardColour |
0.50 |
Spell Properties Added: name, baseDmg |
0.49 |
Character Properties Added: canAttack, singClickSer, poisonStrength, stabled, hungerWildChance, tamedHungerRate, party, partyLootable |
0.48 |
Gump Methods Added: AddButtonTileArt, AddGumpColor, AddPictureColor, AddTextEntryLimited, AddToolTip, AddXMFHTMLTok |
0.47 |
Events Added: onVirtueGumpPress, onDropItemOnItem, onWeatherChange, onTempChange, onCallback#, onGumpInput, onEnterRegion, onLeaveRegion, onSpellGain, onSpellLoss, onCommand, onPacketReceive, onBuy, onBuyFromVendor, onBoughtFromVendor, onSell, onSellToVendor, onSoldToVendor Events Updated: onDeathBlow Events Removed: onPortal (unused), onXYZEvent (unused) Character Methods Updated: AddSpell, SpellFail, SpellMoveEffect, SpellStaticEffect, BreakConcentration, FindItemType, InitWanderArea, ReactOnDamage, Damage, Heal Item Methods Added: Refresh Race Functions Added: CanWearArmor Socket Methods Added: SendAddMenu Common Methods Updated: ApplySection, CanSee Packet Methods Added: RegisterPacket, ReserveSize, WriteByte, WriteShort, WriteLong, WriteString, Send, Free Misc Methods Added: GetTimer, SetTimer, Moon, CreateParty, GetSocketFromIndex, AreaItemFunction |
0.46 |
Updated: All references to onUse() changed to onUseChecked() |
0.45 |
Added: ODBC object ODBC Methods Added: BeginTransaction, FinaliseTransaction, ExecuteQuery, QueryRelease, FetchRow, GetColumn, LastOK ODBC Properties Added: lastOK Updated: CSS of this documentation. Updated DOCTYPE of the pages. Updated contact on FAQ to point to forums. |
0.44 |
Events Added: onCombatDamageCalc, onDamage, onDeathBlow Functions Added: ApplyDefenseModifiers, ApplyDamageBonuses, ValidateObject, ResourceRegion, ResourceTime, ResourceAmount, ResourceArea, ReloadJSFile Character Methods Added: Defense Item Methods Added: Carve Common Methods Added: Resist Socket Methods Added: DisplayDamage Console Methods Added: Print, Log, Error, Warning, PrintSectionBegin, TurnYellow, TurnRed, TurnGreen, TurnBlue, TurnNormal, TurnBrightWhite, PrintDone, PrintFailed, PrintPassed, ClearScreen, PrintBasedOnVal, MoveTo, PrintSpecial, BeginShutdown, Reload Resource Functions Added: ResourceRegion, ResourceTime, ResourceArea, ResourceAmount Console Properties Added: mode, logEcho Character Properties Added: orgID, orgSkin, isAnimal, isHuman, isShop, attackFirst Item Properties Added: carveSection, tempTimer Resource Properties Added: logAmount, logTime, oreAmount, oreTime |
0.43 |
Events Added: onCharDoubleClick, onSkillGump, onCombatStart, onCombatEnd |
0.42 |
Item Methods Added: LockDown Item Properties Added: isNewbie, isDispellable, isPileable, isDyeable, isWipeable, isGuarded, isDoorOpen, isFieldSpell, isLockedDown, isShieldType, isMetalType, isLeatherType, canBeLockedDown, isContType, madeWith, entryMadeFrom Character Properties Updated: isPolymorphed, isIncognito, canRun, isMeditating, isGM, canBroadcast, singClickSer, noSkillTitles, isGMPageable, canSnoop, isCounselor, noNeedMana, isDispellable, noNeedReags |
0.41 | Events Changed: onCreateDFN & onCreateTile instead of onCreate, onDrop Socket Properties Updated: wasIdleWarned, firstPacket, cryptClient, walkSequence, currentSpellType, pickupX, pickupY, pickupZ, pickupSpot, language, target Item Properties Updated: scripttrigger, worldnumber, movable, raceID, race, rank, desc, Character Properties Updated: scripttrigger, worldnumber, charpack, hunger, race, criminal, murderer, innocent, gender, region, town, guild, socket, raceID, magicReflect, tamed, isUsingPotion, stealth, skillToTame Guild Properties Updated: name, type, numMembers, numRecruits, charter, abbreviation, webpage Race Properties Added: id, name, weakToWeather, requiresBeard, requiresNoBeard, isPlayerRace, genderRestrict, armourClass, languageSkillMin, skillAdjustment, poisonReistance, magicResistance, visibleDistance, nightVision Region Properties Added: name, mayor, race, tax, taxResource, canMark, canRecall, canGate, isGuarded, canCastAggressive, health, isDungeon, chanceBigOre, chanceColourOre, numOrePrefs, orePrefs, population, members Spell Properties Added: id, action, delay, health, stamina, mana, mantra, strToSay, scrollLow, scrollHigh, circle, loSkill, highSkill, ginseng, moss, drake, pearl, silk, ash, shade, garlic, requireTarget, requireItem, requireLocation, requireChar, travelSpell, fieldSpell, reflectable, agressiveSpell, resistable, soundEffect, enabled Account Properties Added: username, password, flags, path, comment, character1, character2, character3, character4, character5, character6 |
0.40 | Events Added: onIterate Functions Added: GetDictionaryEntry, NumToString, NumToHexString, StringToNum, Yell, RaceGate, SendStaticStats, GetTileHeight, IterateOver, WorldBrightLevel, WorldDarkLevel, WorldDungeonLevel Functions Updated: SetSecondsPerUOMinute renamed to SecondsPerUOMinute Gump Methods Added: AddPageButton Socket Methods Added: BuyFrom, SellTo, WhoList, Midi, GetTimer, SetTimer Character Methods Added: DistanceTo, OpenLayer, BoltEffect, Gate, Recall, Mark, SetSkillByName, Kill, Resurrect, Jail, Release Item Methods Added: DistanceTo, Glow, UnGlow, PlaceInPack, Dupe Methods Updated: (Character)WanderBox renamed to Wander Character Properties: isSpawner, willhunger, lodamage, hidamage, atWar, spellCast, isCasting, townPriv, guildTitle, fontType, sayColour, emoteColour, attacker, raceGate, skillLock, deaths, nextAct, petCount, ownedItemsCount, cell, allmove, houseicons, spattack, spdelay, aitype, split, splitchance, trainer, weight, squelch, isJailed Item Properties: isSpawner, dir, wipable, buyvalue, sellvalue, restock, devinelock, weight, strength, corpse, spawnsection, sectionalist, mininterval, maxinterval |
0.37 | Events Added: onSpeechInput, onGumpPress Methods Added: AddHTMLGump Methods Updated: AddTextEntry, CreateDFNItem, CreateBlankItem |
0.37 | Events Updated: onDropItemOnNpc |
0.36 | Methods Added: ExecuteCommand Methods Updated: WalkTo, RunTo |
0.35 | Methods Updated: DoStaticEffect is now StaticEffect, FirstIteminCont->FirstItem, NextItemInCont->NextItem, FinishedItemInCont->FinishedItems, BuyFrom, SellTo Events Updated: onUsage has been merged into onUse, onDropItemOnNpc |
0.34 | Events Added: onScrollCast, onSkillCheck, onSpellCast, onSpellTarget, onSpellSuccess Methods Added: (Gumps)AddCheckerTrans, AddCroppedText, AddGroup, AddTiledGump, AddXMFHTMLGump, AddXMFHTMLGumpColor, NoDispose, NoResize Updated: Sorted Events alphabetically |
0.33 | Added: Gump-Example, Method/Function/Property Index Methods Added: CreateDFNItem, CreateBlankItem (these two replace SpawnItem) Methods Updated: SpawnNPC File-Object Methods: Open, Close, Write, Read, ReadUntil, Free File-Object Properties: pos, length, eof Removed: SpawnItem method, many obsolote Race-related functions |
0.32 | Added: AreaCharacterFunction to function-index...forgot in last upate. Methods Updated: DoMovingEffect |
0.31 | Methods Added: TriggerEvent, AreaCharacterFunction, NoMove(Gumps) Methods Updated: CustomTarget, PopUpTarget, SpeechInput, MagicEffect, SetPoisoned, SetPoison, ExplodeItem, SetInvisible, GetTag & SetTag(for Items) Methods Removed: SetLocation (See Teleport) Events Updated: onStatGain, onStatLoss, onStatChange, onLeaving, onEntrance, onEquip, onUnequip, onUse, onClick, onLogin, onAISliver Currently Broken-comment added to: onDecay, onFall, onSwing, onTransfer, onDeath, onResurrect |
0.30 | Added: onTalk event. Updated Events: onCreate, onDelete, onCollide, onSteal, onDispel, onSkill, onSkillGain, onSkillLoss Currently Broken-comment added to: inRange(event), onAttack, onDefense |
0.29 | Updated UseResource |
0.28 | Added onLogout event, onClick event, OpenUrl function |
0.27 | !!Beta-Version!! Added: A few methods and properties list, but still a lot of missing. Updated: A lot of examples. Removed: Old functions. NOTE: In this version are a lot of bugs, missing things etc. I've just released it in the hope, that the already existing stuff will help you. |
before 0.27 | See old news here |