UOX3 Script Engine

Functions, Methods, Properties and Event handling

Race Properties

Property Purpose
id Returns/Sets the race-id of this race.
name Returns/Sets the name of this race.
requiresBeard True if male characters of this race requires a beard.
requiresNoBeard True if male characters of this race are required not to have beards.
isPlayerRace True if this is a playable race, false if not.
genderRestrict Restricts this race to either MALE or FEMALE.
languageSkillMin The minimum amount of spirit speak skillpoints required to understand this language.
poisonResistance The percentage chance (0 - 100.0) for this race to resist poison.
magicResistance The percentage chance (0 - 100.0) for this race to resist magic.
visibleDistance The visibility range modifier for this race, defaults to 0 - which corresponds to client default of 18 tiles.
Original: ©Copyright 2000-2001 WWW.UOX3.NET (Daniel Stratton/Matthew Randall) ||| Rewrite: ©Copyright 2002 WWW.UOXDEV.DE (Florian "Rukus" Frick)