Proposed xGM protocol specifications

Revision information

0.01Initial layout / basic authenticationAbaddon
0.02Added queueing packetsAbaddon
0.03Added partial account administrationAbaddon
0.04Added account add/remove/update supportAbaddon
0.05Added XGM Server ver request / client infoAbaddon
0.06Added Script Reloading / get installed scriptsAbaddon
0.07Added Get ScriptSection Names/DataAbaddon
0.08Added Server StatsAbaddon
0.09Spawn itemsAbaddon

How to contribute

Got any suggestions, criticisms or queries? Feel free to discuss them on the General discussions forum at sourceforge. Alternatively, you can email the details to any of the members of the project.

Purpose of xGM

The xGM protocol is being devised to overcome some of the existing issues which relate to the way GM tools work.

Existing shortcomings


Data Types

SERIALunsigned 32 bit integer
UI08unsigned 8 bit integer
UI16unsigned 16 bit integer
UI32unsigned 32 bit integer
SI08signed 8 bit integer
SI16signed 16 bit integer
SI32signed 32 bit integer
time_tsigned 32 bit integer

Client=>Server packets

Common Packets

Login packet

Size62 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
Possible responses0x00
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x00
UI08 username[30];
UI08 password[30];
UI08 clearanceRequested;	// takes values of 0->3

Change of access level request

Size2 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
Possible responses0x01
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x01
UI08 clearanceRequested;	// takes values of 0->3

Who's online request

Size1 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
Possible responses0x02
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x02

Who's offline request

Size1 bytes
Minimum access levelCounselor
Possible responses0x02
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x03

Who's logging out request

Size1 bytes
Minimum access levelCounselor
Possible responses0x02
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x04

Show Queue request

Size2 bytes
Minimum access levelCounselor
Possible responses0x03
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x05
UI08 queueNumber;		// 0 == counselor, 1 == GM

Handle Queue entry request

Size6 bytes
Minimum access levelCounselor
Possible responses0x04, 0x05
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x06
UI08 queueNumber;		// 0 == counselor, 1 == GM
SERIAL queryID;			// the query ID #

XGM Client Protocol Version

Size5 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
Possible responsesNone
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x08
UI32 xgmClientVersion;

XGM Server Protocol Version Request

Size1 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
Possible responses0x0A
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x09

Get Server Stats

Size2 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
Possible responses0x12
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x0F
UI08 statID;			// ID of the stat you want
//		0		# players online
//		1		# characters total
//		2		# items total
//		3		ping response
//		4		# accounts
//		5		Simulation cycles
//		6		# of races
//		7		# of regions
//		8		# of weather systems
//		9		time since last restart
//		10		time since last world save
//		11		last player logged in
//		12		# of GM pages
//		13		# of CNS pages
//		14		# of ghosts
//		15		# of murderers
//		16		# of blues
//		17		# of houses
//		18		total gold in circulation
//		19		peak connection count
//		20		# of GMs logged in
//		21		# of counselors logged in

Player packets

Counselor packets

GM packets

Spawn Items

SizeVariable bytes
Minimum access levelGM
Possible responses 
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x10
UI08 addType;			// 0 - single item, based on ID
				// 1 - single item, based on script #
				// 2 - single item, based on itemlist #
				// 3 - tiled items, based on ID
				// 4 - tiled items, based on script #
				// 5 - tiled items, based on itemlist #
SI16 x;				// x location to add to
SI16 y;				// y location to add to
SI08 z;				// z location to add to

Subcommand 0

UI16 itemID;			// Item ID
UI16 colour;			// item colour
UI08 type;			// item type
UI32 morex;			// morex
UI32 morey;			// morey
UI32 morez;			// morez
SI32 amount;			// amount to add

Subcommand 1

UI08 itemSect[32];		// Item entry number, 32 byte string (for DFNs)
UI16 colour;			// item colour
UI08 type;			// item type
UI32 morex;			// morex
UI32 morey;			// morey
UI32 morez;			// morez
SI32 amount;			// amount to add

Subcommand 2

UI08 itemlist[32];		// Item list number, 32 byte string (for DFNs)
UI16 colour;			// item colour
UI08 type;			// item type
UI32 morex;			// morex
UI32 morey;			// morey
UI32 morez;			// morez
SI32 amount;			// amount to add

Subcommand 3

UI16 itemID;			// Item ID
UI16 colour;			// item colour
UI08 type;			// item type
UI32 morex;			// morex
UI32 morey;			// morey
UI32 morez;			// morez
SI32 amount;			// amount to add
SI16 targX;			// target x
SI16 targY;			// target y
SI08 targZ;			// target z

Subcommand 4

UI08 itemSect[32];		// Item entry number, 32 byte string (for DFNs)
UI16 colour;			// item colour
UI08 type;			// item type
UI32 morex;			// morex
UI32 morey;			// morey
UI32 morez;			// morez
SI32 amount;			// amount to add
SI16 targX;			// target x
SI16 targY;			// target y
SI08 targZ;			// target z

Subcommand 5

UI08 itemlist[32];		// Item list number, 32 byte string (for DFNs)
UI16 colour;			// item colour
UI08 type;			// item type
UI32 morex;			// morex
UI32 morey;			// morey
UI32 morez;			// morez
SI32 amount;			// amount to add
SI16 targX;			// target x
SI16 targY;			// target y
SI08 targZ;			// target z

Administration packets

Account command request

SizeVariable bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Possible responses0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x07
UI08 subCommand;
UI16 packetLength;
UI08 extraData[];		// any extra data (can be 0 length)

Subcommand 0 - Retrieve account names

No extra data

Subcommand 1 - Retrieve account details

SI32 acctID;

Subcommand 2 - Ban account

SI32 acctID;
SI32 banDuration;

Subcommand 3 - Add Account

UI08 username[30];
UI08 password[30];
UI08 comment[128];
SI32 status;
UI08 public;	// 0 == false, 1 == true
UI08 isxgm;	// 0 == false, 1 == true

Subcommand 4 - Remove Account

SI32 acctID;

Subcommand 5 - Update Account

SI32 acctID;
UI08 username[30];
UI08 password[30];
UI08 comment[128];
UI32 ipAddy[2];
UI32 ban_date;
UI32 ban_duration;
SI32 status;
UI08 public;	// 0 == false, 1 == true
UI08 isxgm;	// 0 == false, 1 == true

Script Reload Request

Size2 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Possible responses0x0B
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x0A
UI08 scriptType;
//	items_def		0
//	npc_def			1
//	create_def		2
//	regions_def		3
//	misc_def		4
//	skills_def		5
//	location_def		6
//	menus_def		7
//	spells_def		8
//	tracking_def		9
//	newbie_def		10
//	titles_def		11
//	advance_def		12
//	trigger_def		13
//	necro_def		14
//	house_def		15
//	colors_def		16
//	spawn_def		17
//	html_def		18
//	race_def		19
//	polymorph_def		20
//	weathab_def		21
//	hard_items_def		22
//	command_def		23
//	msgboard_def		24
//	carve_def		25

//	INI file		50
//	Spawn Regions 		51
//	Regions 		51
//	Server.scp 		51
//	Spells.scp		51
//	commands.scp		51
//	JS scripts (all)	52

Installed Script Request

SizeVariable bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Possible responses0x0C
Other InfoSame scriptType as above packet
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x0B
UI08 scriptType;

Get Script Request

Size66 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Possible responses0x0D, 0x0E
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x0C
UI08 scriptType;
UI08 scriptName[64];

Get Script Section Names Request

Size66 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Possible responses0x0F, 0x10
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x0D
UI08 scriptType;
UI08 scriptName[64];

Get Script Section Request

Size130 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Possible responses0x11
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x0E
UI08 scriptType;
UI08 scriptName[64];
UI08 sectionName[64];

Server=>Client packets

Common Packets

Login response packet

Size3 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x00
UI08 responseError;		// if any.  0 is clear, 1 == bad username/password, 2 == invalid clearance level
UI08 clearanceGranted;		// takes values of 0->3 (player->admin)

Change of access level response

Size3 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x01
UI08 responseError;		// if any.  0 is clearance granted, 1 is clearance denied
UI08 clearanceGranted;		// takes values of 0->3 (player->admin)

Who's online response

SizeVariable (4 + 35 * numPlayers)
Minimum access levelPlayer
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x02
UI16 numPlayers;
UI08 statusType;		// 0 == online, 1 == offline, 2 == logging		
	SERIAL playerSerial;
	char   playerName[31];
} playerList[];

Show queue response

SizeVariable (3 + 48 * numEntries)
Minimum access levelCounselor
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x03
UI08 querySuccessful;		// 1 if true, 0 if false
UI16 numEntries;
	SERIAL queryID;		// will be unique, handle to the request #
	SERIAL playerSerial;
	char   playerName[31];
	time_t startTime;
	UI08   priority;
	SERIAL personHandling;	// 0xFFFFFFFF if not being handled
} queueEntry[];

Handle queue entry response 1

Size2 bytes
Minimum access levelCounselor
OtherSent to the requester
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x04
UI08 errorLevel;		// 0 if okay, 1 if insufficient privs, 2 if already taken

Handle queue entry response 2

Size10 bytes
Minimum access levelCounselor
OtherSent to all other connected xGM sockets to advise of update (if privs sufficiently high)
UI08 commandByte;		// 0x05
UI08 commandQueue;		// queue #, 0 == counselor, 1 == GM
SERIAL queryID;			// query identification
SERIAL playerHandling;		// serial of GM who will handle the ID

XGM Server Protocol Version Response

Size5 bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0A
UI32 serverXGMVersion;

Server Stat response

SizeVariable bytes
Minimum access levelPlayer
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x12
UI08 statID;		// stat number, see CS0F

Subcommands 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

UI32 count;		// count of item

Subcommand 3

time_t currentServerTime;	// the time of the server, as from a C time( NULL ) call

Subcommand 11

SERIAL character;

Player packets

Counselor packets

GM packets

Administration packets

Retrieve account names

Size5 + accountCount * 30 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x06
SI32 accountCount;
	UI08 name[30];
} accountNames[];

Retrieve account details

Size242 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x07
SI32 acctID;
UI08 username[30];
UI08 password[30];
UI08 comment[128];
UI32 ipAddy[2];
UI32 ban_date;
UI32 ban_duration;
SERIAL characters[5];
SI32 status;
UI08 countOfChars;
UI08 public;	// 0 == false, 1 == true
UI08 isbanned;	// 0 == false, 1 == true
UI08 isxgm;	// 0 == false, 1 == true
UI08 acctInUse;	// 0 == false, 1 == true
SERIAL inworld;	// serial of character in world

Ban Duration response

Size14 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Other InfoSent to banner and the other xGM connected admins
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x08
UI08 statusOK;		// 0 == ban accepted, 1 == not possible
SI32 acctID;
SI32 banDuration;
SI32 banStart;

Account Add/Update/Remove response

Size6 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Other InfoSent to adder/updater/remove and the other xGM connected admins
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x09
UI08 statusOK;		// 0 == add accepted, 1 == add not possible, 2 == remove accepted, 3 == remove not possible, 4 == update accepted, 5 == update not possible
SI32 acctID;

Script Reload response

Size3 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0B
UI08 scriptReloaded;	
UI08 scriptReloadedError;	// 0 == no error, 1 == couldn't reload

Installed Script response

Size3 + ( 68 * numEntries ) bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0C
UI08 scriptReloaded;	
	UI08 	scriptName[64];
	time_t	lastModifiedTime;
} scripts[];

Get Script Response

Size8 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0D
UI08 scriptNum;		
UI16 numChunks;		// Number of data chunks that will follow
UI32 scriptSize;	// size of script.  Do not rely on this for packet size

Get Script Data Chunk

Size6 + chunkSize bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0E
UI08 scriptNum;		
UI16 chunkNum;		// chunk #
UI16 chunkSize;		// size of chunk
UI08 chunkData[];

Get Script Section Names Response

Size8 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0D
UI08 scriptNum;		
UI16 numChunks;		// Number of data chunks that will follow
UI32 scriptSections;	// Number of script sections

Get Script Section Names Data Chunk

Size6 + chunkSize bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
Other InfoCRLF delimited list of section names
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0E
UI08 scriptNum;		
UI16 chunkNum;		// chunk #
UI16 chunkSize;		// size of chunk
UI08 chunkData[];

Get Script Section Response

Size8 bytes
Minimum access levelAdmin
UI08 commandByte;	// 0x0D
UI08 scriptNum;
UI08 sectionName[64];	// Section name being retrieved	
	UI08 tagData[32];
	UI16 dataLength;
	UI08 data[dataLength];