UOX3 Script Engine

Functions, Methods, Properties and Event handling

SpawnRegion Properties

Note that any changes to SpawnRegions re applied in runtime memory only, and next server startup or reload of spawn regions from UOX3 console will overwrite those changes.

Property Purpose
name Returns/Sets the name of the spawn region
regionNum Returns/Sets the region number of the spawn region
itemList Returns/Sets list of item IDs that spawn randomly in the spawn region. Can set using name of an ItemList, or a series of comma-separated item IDs.
npcList Returns/Sets list of NPC IDs that spawn randomly in the spawn region. Can set using name of an NPClist, or a series of comma-separated NPC IDs.
item Returns/Sets item ID that spawns in the spawn region
npc Returns/Sets NPC ID that spawns in the spawn region
maxItems Returns/Sets the maximum number of items to spawn in the spawn region
maxNPCs Returns/Sets the maximum number of NPCs to spawn in the spawn region
itemCount Returns the current number of items spawned in the spawn region
npcCount Returns the current number of NPCs spawned in the spawn region
onlyOutside Returns/Sets whether objects in this spawn region spawn only outside buildings (1) or anywhere (0)
prefZ Returns/Sets the maximum Z value a dynamic or static item can have on spawning
x1 Returns/Sets the upper left X coordinate of the box defining the spawn region area
y1 Returns/Sets the upper left Y coordinate of the box defining the spawn region area
x2 Returns/Sets the lower right X coordinate of the box defining the spawn region area
y2 Returns/Sets the lower right Y coordinate of the box defining the spawn region area
world Returns/Sets which world number the spawn region should be spawning objects in
instanceID Returns/Sets which instance ID the spawn region should be spawning objects in
minTime Returns/Sets the minimum amount of time it takes for the spawn region to spawn stuff
maxTime Returns/Sets the maximum amount of time it takes for the spawn region to spawn stuff
call Returns/Sets the amount of objects to spawn at the same time per "respawn call"
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