UOX3 Script Engine

Functions, Methods, Properties and Event handling

Item Properties

Property Purpose
name The name of this item.
title The title of this item.
x The x coordinate of this item.
y The y coordinate of this item.
z The z coordinate of this item.
id The id of this item.
colour The color of this item.
owner The character who owns this item
visible The visibility status of this item:
    0 = Visible
    1 = Temporary Hidden (Skill, Item visible to owner)
    2 = Invisible (Magic Invis)
    3 = Permanent Hidden (GM Hide)
serial (Read-Only) The unique identifying number of this item
health The current health of this item.
scripttrigger The JavaScript-ID assigned to this item.
worldnumber The world in which this item currently exists
instanceID Current instance item exists in. Note that objects in different instances cannot interact with or affect one another, even when in the same world, at the same coordinates
amount The amount of the item (for pileables).
container Object reference to the container this item is in
type The item type of the item. See full list in UOX3 Docs!
more Temporary value for this item. See list of DFN tags for items in UOX3 Docs for more details!
morex Temporary value for this item. See list of DFN tags for items in UOX3 Docs for more details!
morey Temporary value for this item. See list of DFN tags for items in UOX3 Docs for more details!
morez Temporary value for this item. See list of DFN tags for items in UOX3 Docs for more details!
movable Toggles the "movable" status for this item.
0=default movable status for this item
2=not movable
3=locked down
att Returns a randomized damage value between lodamage and hidamage properties. If used to set a value, will set both lodamage and hidamage properties to the same value.
def The item's defense value (Physical Resistance post-AoS, AR in older UO)
resistCold The item's Cold Resistance (0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0%) - no effect implemented yet
resistHeat The item's Heat/Fire Resistance (0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0%) - no effect implemented yet
resistLight The item's Light Resistance (0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0%) - no effect implemented yet
resistLightning The item's Lightning/Energy Resistance (0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0%) - no effect implemented yet
resistPoison The item's Poison Resistance (0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0%) - no effect implemented yet
resistRain The item's Rain/Water Resistance (0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0%) - no effect implemented yet
resistSnow The item's Snow/Ice Resistance (0-1000, where 1000 = 100.0%) - no effect implemented yet
damageCold Weapon deals Cold damage (true/false) - no effect implemented yet
damageHeat Weapon deals Heat/Fire damage (true/false) - no effect implemented yet
damageLight Weapon deals Light damage (true/false) - no effect implemented yet
damageLightning Weapon deals Lightning/Energy damage (true/false) - no effect implemented yet
damagePoison Weapon deals Poison damage (true/false) - no effect implemented yet
damageRain Weapon deals Rain/Water damage (true/false) - no effect implemented yet
damageSnow Weapon deals Snow/Ice damage (true/false) - no effect implemented yet
ac The armor class of this item
layer The layer this item is on when equipped. See full list of item layers in UOX3 Docs!
itemsinside (Read-Only) The number of items this item (if container) contains
totalItemCount (Read-Only) The total number of items this item (if container) contains, including sub-containers
decayable Toggles this items' ability to decay over time. (true/false or 1/0)
decaytime The amount of time it takes for this item to decay.
lodamage The minimum damage this item can do (if a weapon)
hidamage The maximum damage this item can do (if a weapon)
speed The speed of the item, primarily used for weapons to determine how fast/how often the character wielding the weapon can attack in combat
name2 The second name property of this item (for item ID).
isChar Returns true if this object is a character.
isItem Returns true if this object is an item.
isSpawner Returns true if this object is a spawn item.
race Returns the race of this item as a JS object (with properties like id, name, armourClass and more). Race can be set using race ID of new race as value.
maxhp The maximum possible hitpoints of this item (for damage and repair).
rank The quality-rank of this item (used in item-creation, for instance). From 1-10.
poison Poison strength applied to item such as weapons and food (from 1 to 4, where 1 = Weak poison, 4 = Deadly poison)
dir The direction in which this item is facing. For lightsources, this determines the light radius instead.
wipable Toggles whether or not this item can be removed by the 'wipe commands.
buyvalue The amount of money it costs to buy this item from a vendor.
sellvalue The amount of money one can receive by selling this item to a vendor.
restock The amount of this item a vendor will restock in their shop, if they carry it
divinelock The divinelock status of this item. If true, the container was locked by a GM and cannot be unlocked by picklocks, magic unlock, etc
weight The total weight of this item. 1000 = 10.00 stones, 100 = 1.00 stones, 10 = 0.1 stones, 1 = 0.01 stones
weightMax The maximum weight in stones a container can hold. 1000 = 10.00 stones, 100 = 1.00 stones, 10 = 0.1 stones, 1 = 0.01 stones
maxItems The maximum amount of items a container can hold (including sub-containers). Defaults to 125
strength The amount of strength it takes to wield this item, if it can be equipped
dexterity The amount of dexterity it takes to wield this item, if it can be equipped
intelligence The amount of intelligence it takes to wield this item, if it can be equipped
corpse (Read-Only) Returns true if item is a corpse
desc Description of item (for instance used on player vendors)
tempTimer Timer used by container-spawners to determine when to spawn an item next (if maximum items spawned from container hasn't been reached yet)
isNewbie Item is "blessed"/has newbie status (true/false)
isDispellable Item can be disspelled (true/false)
isPileable Item is pileable (true/false)
isDyable Item is dyable (true/false)
isWipeable Item is wipable with the 'WIPE command (true/false)
isGuarded Item is guarded (true/false)
isDoorOpen Item is an open door (true/false)
isFieldSpell (Read-Only) item is part of a field-spell? (true/false)
isLockedDown (Read-Only) item is locked down (true/false)
isShieldType (Read-Only) item is a shield (true/false)
isMetalType (Read-Only) item is a metal object (true/false)
isLeatherType (Read-Only) item is a leather object (true/false)
canBeLockedDown (Read-Only) item can be locked down (true/false)
isContType (Read-Only) item has a container type (includes container spawn objects and trash containers)
madeWith ID of skill that was used to create this item
entryMadeFrom Create-DFN entry item was made from
carveSection The carve-section of a corpse from carve.dfn, determines what items to spawn when a corpse is carved
ammoID Ammo ID for ammo used by ranged weapon
ammoHue Hue of ammo used by ranged weapon
ammoFX ID of projectile FX shown when firing ranged weapon
ammoFXHue Colour of projectiles fired by ranged weapons
ammoFXRender The render mode of projectile FX played when firing ranged weapons
maxRange The max range of archery weapons, and the cap for how far baseRange can extend for throwing weapons based on modifiers like character strength
baseRange The base range of a throwing weapon, before affected by a character's strength
isItemHeld Whether item is being held on cursor by a player
multi (Read-Only) Returns JS object for multi that character is in (if any)

Item Spawner Properties

Property Purpose
spawnsection The script section for this spawner to spawn from.
sectionalist Toggles whether or not the section this item spawns from is a list.
mininterval The minimum amount of time for this spawner to spawn another item.
maxinterval The maximum amount of time for this spawner to spawn another item.
Original: ©Copyright 2000-2001 WWW.UOX3.NET (Daniel Stratton/Matthew Randall) ||| Rewrite: ©Copyright 2002 WWW.UOXDEV.DE (Florian "Rukus" Frick)