UOX3 Script Engine

Functions, Methods, Properties and Event handling

Initial A Gump

new Gump
PurposeCreates a blank gump with no information, allocating memory
Example of Usage
var myGump = new Gump;

Gump Related Methods


void AddBackground( topHeight, topLeft, bottomHeight, bottomLeft, backImage );
PurposeAdds a background (should come REALLY early in gump) of height (bottomHeight - topHeight) and width (bottomLeft - topLeft) as image backImage (gump image like via AddGump).
Example of Usage
myGump.AddBackground( 0, 0, 320, 340, 2600 );


void AddButton( topHeight, topLeft, buttonImage, (buttonPressedImage), unk1, unk2, unk3 );
PurposeAdds a button to the gump
Other info Having an unk1 of 1 indicates the gump will close. unk2 should be the button's unique ID, and unk3 is the page the button will call. buttonPressedImage is optional, and without it a value of buttonImage + 1 is assumed.

When the button is pressed, onGumpPress event is called, iButton is 0 if the gump has been closed without pressing a button.

function onGumpPress( Sock, iButton ) { }
Example of Usage
myGump.AddButton( 13, 290, 5050, 1, 1, 1 );


void AddButtonTileArt( topHeight, topLeft, buttonImage, buttonPressedImage, unk1, unk2, unk3, tileID, hue, tileX, tileY );
PurposeAdds a button to the gump, with tileArt as part of the button
Other info Having an unk1 of 1 indicates the gump will close. unk2 is the page it will call, while unk3 is the button's unique ID. tileID is tileArt added as part of the button, hue is the tileArt hue, and tileX and tileY is the tileArt's offset compared to the topHeight, topLeft coordinates

When the button is pressed, onGumpPress event is called, iButton is 0 if the gump has been closed without pressing a button.

function onGumpPress( Sock, iButton ) { }
Example of Usage
myGump.AddButtonTileArt( 13, 290, 5050, 5050, 1, 1, 1, 1193, 0, 10, 10 );


void AddPageButton( topHeight, topLeft, buttonImage, (buttonPressedImage), pageNum );
PurposeAdds a button to the gump allowing you to navigate pages without an onGumpPress event. buttonPressedImage is optional, and without it a value of buttonImage + 1 is assumed.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddPageButton( 13, 290, 5050, 1 );


void AddCheckbox( topHeight, topLeft, checkImage, defaultStatus, unk2 );
PurposeAdds a checkbox to the gump
Other infodefaultStatus is true/false to determine the starting status of the checkbox, either checked or not.
I believe that unk2 is the checkbox's ID. Uses same IDs as radiobuttons.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddCheckbox( 10, 10, 2706, 0, 1 );


void AddCroppedText( left, top, hue, width, height, actualText );
PurposeCrops the text if it's too long to display properly. Adds scrollbar?
Other infoI believe that unk2 is the checkbox's ID
Example of Usage
myGump.AddCroppedText( 10, 10, 0x0342, 300, 200, "Default Text" );


void AddCheckerTrans( left, top, width, height );
PurposeTurns everything underneath the specified area transparent.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddCheckerTrans( 0, 0, 300, 220 );


void AddGroup( groupNum );
PurposeFor grouping sets of radio buttons
Example of Usage
myGump.AddGroup( 1 );


void AddGump( topHeight, topLeft, gumpImage, hue(optional) );
PurposeAdds a gump on the current gump (ie any image in the gumps part of InsideUO). A fourth parameter - hue - is optional, and can be used to set the color of the gump.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddGump( 5, 260, 1141 );
myGump.AddGump( 5, 260, 1141, 1154 );


void AddGumpColor( topHeight, topLeft, gumpImage, hue );
PurposeAdds a gump on the current gump (ie any image in the gumps part of InsideUO). Same as AddGump, but with an additional parameter for hue/color.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddGump( 5, 260, 1141, 1154 );


void AddPage( pageNum );
PurposeAdds a new page
Other infoAnything on page 0 is shown on ALL pages
Example of Usage
myGump.AddPage( 1 );


void AddPicture( topHeight, topLeft, tilePic );
PurposeAdds the image tilePic to the gump at topHeight/topLeft. tilePic is an ITEM ID.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddPicture( 5, 111, 0x0EED );


void AddPictureColor( topHeight, topLeft, tilePic, hue );
PurposeAdds the image tilePic to the gump at topHeight/topLeft, with color hue. tilePic is an ITEM ID.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddPictureColor( 5, 111, 0x0EED, 1154 );


void AddRadio( topHeight, topLeft, radioImage, pressed, id );
PurposeAdds a radio button to the gump.
Other infopressed (0/1) determines the default state of the radiobutton, id is the radiobutton's buttonID. Uses same IDs as CheckBoxes.
Example of Usage
myGump.AddRadio( 13, 40, 2151, 0, 2966 );


void AddText( topHeight, topLeft, textColour, text );
PurposeAdds the text text to the gump represented by gumpHandle at topHeight/topLeft in textColour.
Other infoNote that each AddText line automaticly gets assigned a "TextID", starting with 0 and counting upwards for each new AddText line. When using both AddText and AddTextEntry in the same gump, be sure to put all the AddText lines FIRST, then the AddTextEntry lines - since they both use TextIDs and otherwise the automatic assignment will get messed up (or some such)..
Example of Usage
myGump.AddText( 30, 30, 0, "Test text" );


void AddTextEntry( topHeight, topLeft, width, height, hue, unk4, textID, defaultText );
PurposeIt adds a text entry with default text to the gump
Other infounk4 is..? seems to work when set to 1. textID uses an ID which is also automaticly assigned to any AddText line, so be sure to place all AddTextEntry lines after any AddText lines, then assign these with the proper textIDs starting with the next free ID that hasn't been assigned as an ID for an AddText line..
Example of Usage
myGump.AddTextEntry( 20, 62, 200, 20, 10, 1, 1, "Default text" );


void AddTextEntryLimited( topHeight, topLeft, width, height, hue, unk4, textID, defaultText, maxLength );
PurposeIt adds a text entry with default text to the gump
Other infounk4 is..? seems to work when set to 1. textID uses an ID which is also automaticly assigned to any AddText line, so be sure to place all AddTextEntry lines after any AddText lines, then assign these with the proper textIDs starting with the next free ID that hasn't been assigned as an ID for an AddText line.. maxLength specifies max amount of text that can be entered
Example of Usage
myGump.AddTextEntryLimited( 20, 62, 200, 20, 10, 1, 1, "Default text", 20 );


void AddTiledGump( left, top, width, height, gumpID );
PurposeTiles specified gump within specified area
Other info
Example of Usage
myGump.AddTiledGump( left, top, width, height, gumpID );


void AddToolTip( clilocNum );
PurposeAdds a cliloc-based tooltip to the gump-element added prior to AddToolTip
Other info-
Example of Usage
myGump.AddPicture( 175, 50, 3644 );
myGump.AddToolTip( 1015094 ); //adds tooltip with cliloc 1015094 to the gump-picture added on the previous line


void AddXMFHTMLGump( left, top, width, height, number, hasBorder, hasScrollbar );
Other info
Example of Usage
myGump.AddXMFHTMLGump( 10, 10, 200, 300, 1, 1, 1 );


void AddXMFHTMLGumpColor( left, top, width, height, number, hasBorder, hasScrollbar, rgbColour );
PurposeThe purpose of this is to load a HTML like gump using the cliloc "number". Its to do with Localisation settings etc.
Other info
Example of Usage
myGump.AddXMFHTMLGumpColor( 10, 10, 200, 300, 1, 1, 1, ?? );


void AddXMFHTMLTok( left, top, width, height, hasBorder, hasScrollbar, rgbColour, clilocNum, clilocArg1, clilocArg2, clilocArg3  );
PurposeThe purpose of this is to load a HTML like gump using the cliloc "number". Its to do with Localisation settings etc. (Any of) the three cliloc-arguments are optional, but there must minimum be however many the cliloc requires.
Other info
Example of Usage
myGump.AddXMFHTMLTok( 10, 10, 200, 300, 1, 1, 1, 1060656, 99 );
myGump.AddXMFHTMLTok( 10, 10, 200, 300, 1, 1, 1, 1060658, 99, "BottlesOfBeer" );
myGump.AddXMFHTMLTok( 10, 10, 200, 300, 1, 1, 1, 1041522, 99, "BottlesOfBeer", "onTheWall" );


void AddHTMLGump( topHeight, topLeft, width, height, background, scrollbar, HTMLText);
Other infobackground and scrollbar either 0 or 1, for respectively off/on.
HTMLText is the text in the gump, can use HTML here. Supported tags:
<B></B> <BIG></BIG> <SMALL></SMALL> <EM></EM> <I></I> <U></U>
<H1></H1> <H2></H2> <H3></H3> <H4></H4> <H5></H5> <H6></H6> <a href=""></a>
<div align="right"><div align="left"></DIV> <left></left> <P> <CENTER></CENTER> <BR></BR> <BASEFONT color=#ffffff size=1-7></BASEFONT>
Example of Usage
myGump.AddHTMLGump( 10, 10, 200, 300, 1, 1, "This is a test" );


void Free();
PurposeDeletes all the memory allocated to the gump
Example of Usage


void NoClose();
PurposeThis gump can't be closed
Other info-
Example of Usage


void NoDispose();
PurposeGump cannot be closed through client's "Close Dialogs"-macro
Other info-
Example of Usage


void NoMove();
PurposeThis gump can't be moved
Other info-
Example of Usage


void NoResize();
PurposeThis gump can't be resized
Other info-
Example of Usage


void Send( targSocket );
PurposeSends the gump to targSocket
Example of Usage
myGump.send( mySock );


function onUseChecked( pUser, iUsed )
	var myGump = new Gump; // create a new gump
	myGump.AddBackground( 0, 0, 300, 300, 2600 ); // add an automic scaled background
	myGump.AddCheckerTrans( 0, 0, 100, 100 ); // Let's make part of the gump transparent! Whee!
	myGump.AddButton( 300, 5, 0xa50, 1, 0, 0);  // Add a close-gump button
	myGump.AddGump( 120, 40, 0x157E ); // add some gump art
	myGump.AddPicture( 20, 40, 0x12D8 ); // add tile art
	myGump.AddText( 100, 20, 5, "My first gump!" ); // add text, gets assigned TextID 0
	myGump.AddText( 100, 95, 7, "Some more text!" ); // add text, gets assigned TextID 1
	myGump.AddText( 20, 200, 7, "TextEntry 1[                ]" ); // add text, gets assigned TextID 2
	myGump.AddText( 20, 220, 7, "TextEntry 2[                ]" ); // add text, gets assigned TextID 3
	myGump.AddTextEntry( 100, 200, 120, 25, 10, 0, 4, "First Entry" ); //TextID 4
	myGump.AddTextEntry( 100, 220, 120, 25, 10, 0, 5, "Second Entry" ); //TextID 5
	myGump.AddRadio( 20, 130, 2152, 0, 0 ); //RadioButton with ID 0
	myGump.AddRadio( 20, 150, 2152, 0, 1 ); //RadioButton with ID 1
	myGump.AddCheckbox( 20, 175, 2706, 0, 2 ); //CheckBox with ID 2
	myGump.AddButton( 160, 265, 0xF7, 1, 0, 1 ); // add the "okay" button
	myGump.Send( pUser.socket ); // send this gump to client now
	myGump.Free(); // clear this gump from uox-memory
	return false;

function onGumpPress( pSock, pButton, gumpData )
	var pUser = pSock.currentChar;
		case 0:
			// abort and do nothing
		case 1:
			var Text1 = gumpData.getEdit(0);
			pUser.SysMessage( "The first TextEntry was: "+Text1 );
			var Text2 = gumpData.getEdit(1);
			pUser.SysMessage( "The second TextEntry was: "+Text2 )
			var OtherButton = gumpData.getButton(0);
			switch( OtherButton )
				case 0:
					pUser.SysMessage( "You selected RadioButton number: "+OtherButton );
					pUser.DoAction( 15 );
				case 1:
					pUser.SysMessage( "You selected RadioButton number: "+OtherButton );
					pUser.DoAction( 11 );
				case 2:
					pUser.SysMessage( "The Checkbox with ID "+OtherButton+" was checked." );
					pUser.DoAction( 18 );
Original: ©Copyright 2000-2001 WWW.UOX3.NET (Daniel Stratton/Matthew Randall)||| Rewrite: ©Copyright 2002 WWW.UOXDEV.DE (Florian "Rukus" Frick)